Think Christmas shopping will keep you from doing exercise? Here are a few sneaky elf exercise tips to help you still get a workout in while you are out finding all on gifts on your gift list. Start your shopping trip well hydrated. Power Walk: Park your car far from...
Fitting in Exercises while in your Car
Stuck in Traffic? Going on a long road trip? Here are a few ideas to help you relieve stress and sneak in a bit of exercise and relaxation while you are in your car: Being stuck in traffic can be a bummer and elevate blood pressure. Driving for prolonged periods of...
Tips for Safely Exercising with Diabetes/ What your Physical Therapist wants you to know
If you are diabetic, exercise should be a very important part of your lifestyle. Exercise can help you manage your body weight and keep your heart and musculoskeletal system healthy for a full life. It helps improve blood flow and manage blood pressure. It helps...
Exercise in Disguise
Do you exercise? When most individuals in the United States think of exercise, they think structured exercise perhaps of a gym environment with machines or a structured class of aerobics or Zumba or yoga. The fitness industry can offer a variety of ways to put in some...
Desk Job Exercises
How could you possibly injure yourself at a desk job? It seems impossible that your body could be harmed in any way just by sitting at a desk, right? Sedentary postures particularly the day in/day out kind can put a strain on your body. I am sure you may have felt...
Physical Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease
April is Parkinson’s disease awareness month!! Did you know that one million individuals in the United States are living with this disease? Physical Therapy has always been a component of care for individuals with Parkinson’s. The past twenty years of rehabilitative...
Meeting the Demands of Dancers and Gymnasts
The physical demands placed on dancers and gymnasts are unique from any other type of athlete. Like other athletes, the hours of training and practice can make an individual susceptible to many types of overuse injuries, but the great amount of flexibility and...
Free Balance Screening
Are you or someone you know experiencing falls or a fear of falling? Your balance system is made up of three components: the inner ear, the vision system and the nerve receptors in your joints and surrounding tissues. All three of these systems are in a continuous...
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