Shoulder joint degeneration and moderate to severe osteoarthritis can progress over time leading to pain, limited range of motion and the inability to use your shoulder to perform daily and work tasks and recreational activities. This condition as well as complex...
physical therapy
Prehab: What is it? Should you consider it?
Prehab is basically participating in therapy before undergoing surgery. Most people think that therapy or rehabilitation as a way to treat an injury or regain function after a surgery. Sometimes it is even helpful to help someone avoid surgery. But what if you...
What are your “Core” Muscles and Why are They so Important?
The "core" of your body is the center of your body from which your arms, legs and head extend. The spine, rib cage, pelvis and all the muscles connecting these areas form the center/core of the body. Muscles in this region are considered the core muscles. These are...
Can Men get Osteoporosis?
It is estimated that ten million Americans have osteoporosis. Twenty percent of that number are men affected by the disease. Unfortunately, a high percentage of American men think of the disease as only a concern for women and they also fail to realize medical...
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