Injury Prevention

Safe Snow Shoveling Tips

Safe Snow Shoveling Tips

With the first major snow fall of the season, we will soon have our first patient who injured their back while shoveling snow. Here are some helpful hints that physical therapists wish more people understood before they try to clear the driveway and walkways around...

Can Going Back to School Cause Back Pain?

Can Going Back to School Cause Back Pain?

Students will always have things to carry back and forth between home and school.   A backpack is a great way to do that, but if they're too heavy, backpacks can lead to back pain.  Carrying a heavy backpack changes children's posture, walking speed, step length and...

Preventing Hand, Wrist, Forearm and Elbow Golf-Related Injuries

Preventing Hand, Wrist, Forearm and Elbow Golf-Related Injuries

The golf swing greatly relies on repetitive and coordinated arm motions to generate club head speed and to square the club head at impact.  Overuse injuries of the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow are common in golfers but can be minimized with education. As discussed...



 Evaluate what you want to do and plan before you do it.  Look at the environment.  Make sure your path is clear and you can easily move what you want to move from point A to point B Size up the load! Get a sense of how heavy something is before you try to lift or...

How to Prevent Plantar Fasciitis

How to Prevent Plantar Fasciitis

It is almost flip flop weather.  After a long winter with feet stuck in socks, shoes and boots, we long to go barefoot and expose our feet to warm grass or the beach.  Physical Therapists know that plantar fasciitis weather is just around the corner and our clinic is...

ErgoMOMics Part 1

ErgoMOMics Part 1

ErgoMOMics: Part 1 This blog is being dedicated to all the busy moms out there trying to work, run a household, raise children and take care of themselves. Moms put themselves last so they are often experiencing physical issues that they have no time to address.  The...

Avoiding Forward Head Posture

Avoiding Forward Head Posture

Avoiding Forward Head Posture: Tips to make easy adjustments in your daily life:  Your spine is designed to support you and help you carry yourself. It is mechanically designed with unique curvatures and interconnections to give you freedom of movement as well as...

Avoiding Tech Overload that can cause Tech-induced Injuries

Avoiding Tech Overload that can cause Tech-induced Injuries

Just as the words Facebook, Twitter, Xbox, cell phone, tablet, laptop and Snapchat have made their way into our everyday life and vocabulary, new medical conditions are surfacing due to how we are physically interfacing with all the great new technologies available to...

Unexpected Sources of Pain

Unexpected Sources of Pain

Here are some strange but true sources of pain that may not be obvious. If you are suffering from discomfort but just cannot seem to pinpoint what is causing it, consider some of these potential culprits. Our choice of wardrobe:Paying attention to what we choose to...

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