Optimal PT

Safe Snow Shoveling Tips

Safe Snow Shoveling Tips

With the first major snow fall of the season, we will soon have our first patient who injured their back while shoveling snow. Here are some helpful hints that physical therapists wish more people understood before they try to clear the driveway and walkways around...

TMJ Problems?  Physical Therapy Solutions are available

TMJ Problems? Physical Therapy Solutions are available

TEMPOROMANDIBULAR  JOINT  PROBLEMS AND INTERVENTION   Do you have pain in the jaw or in the region in front of your ear that is brought on by clenching or grinding your teeth, chewing or yawning?   You could be experiencing temporomandibular joint (TMJ)...

Christmas Shopping?  Yes, Virginia, you can add in some exercise!

Christmas Shopping? Yes, Virginia, you can add in some exercise!

Think Christmas shopping will keep you from doing exercise? Here are a few sneaky elf exercise tips to help you still get a workout in while you are out finding all on gifts on your gift list. Start your shopping trip well hydrated. Power Walk: Park your car far from...

The History of Physical Therapy and Relevance Today!

The History of Physical Therapy and Relevance Today!

Did you know that Physical Therapy is a profession that was actually birthed out of national crisis situations?  In 1917, the US War department’s surgeon general saw the great need for a special group of people who could intervene to help injured soldiers during World...

Are You in Pain?  Consider a Movement Detective

Are You in Pain? Consider a Movement Detective

ARE YOU IN PAIN? YOU NEED A MOVEMENT DETECTIVE Physical Therapists:  The Movement Detectives It may feel like a great mystery to you on why you are hurting or how your body is not moving like it used to be able to do.  Perhaps a simple task seemed to launch you into...

Total Shoulder Replacement:  Traditional or Reverse?

Total Shoulder Replacement: Traditional or Reverse?

Shoulder joint degeneration and moderate to severe osteoarthritis can progress over time leading to pain, limited range of motion and the inability to use your shoulder to perform daily and work tasks and recreational activities. This condition as well as complex...

Can Going Back to School Cause Back Pain?

Can Going Back to School Cause Back Pain?

Students will always have things to carry back and forth between home and school.   A backpack is a great way to do that, but if they're too heavy, backpacks can lead to back pain.  Carrying a heavy backpack changes children's posture, walking speed, step length and...

Repetitive Stress Injury combines Tech and Poor Posture Habits

Repetitive Stress Injury combines Tech and Poor Posture Habits

Have you experienced fatigue, soreness or stiffness in your neck, shoulder or arms while using your computer or phone?  Have you found yourself frequently massaging or stretching your neck, back or arms?  You may have the initial signs of a repetitive stress injury...

Prehab:  What is it?  Should you consider it?

Prehab: What is it? Should you consider it?

Prehab is basically participating in therapy before undergoing surgery.  Most people think that therapy or rehabilitation as a way to treat an injury or regain function after a surgery.  Sometimes it is even helpful to help someone avoid surgery.  But what if you...

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