
Safe Snow Shoveling Tips

Safe Snow Shoveling Tips

With the first major snow fall of the season, we will soon have our first patient who injured their back while shoveling snow. Here are some helpful hints that physical therapists wish more people understood before they try to clear the driveway and walkways around...

Winter Wisdom for fall prevention

Winter Wisdom for fall prevention

WINTER WISDOM Snow and ice are a reality for all who live in Western Pennsylvania.  For those who have osteoporosis, limited mobility due to age, arthritis or injury, the winter conditions can prove dangerous for falls.  Here are a few simple hints to help you stay...

Christmas Shopping?  Yes, Virginia, you can add in some exercise!

Christmas Shopping? Yes, Virginia, you can add in some exercise!

Think Christmas shopping will keep you from doing exercise? Here are a few sneaky elf exercise tips to help you still get a workout in while you are out finding all on gifts on your gift list. Start your shopping trip well hydrated. Power Walk: Park your car far from...

How to Make a Homemade Reusable Ice Pack

How to Make a Homemade Reusable Ice Pack

When you have an acute injury or are recovering from surgery, it is often recommended that you apply ice to help control swelling, inflammation and pain to the affected area.  Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation can all help control what occurs at the injured site. ...

Relaxation Exercises to Help Combat Stress

Relaxation Exercises to Help Combat Stress

Relaxation Exercises to Help Combat Stress In my thirty-six years of physical therapy practice, I have often had patients come to me with this question, “My doctor told me that I need to reduce the stress in my life. Do you know of any exercises I can do to relax...

Can Going Back to School Cause Back Pain?

Can Going Back to School Cause Back Pain?

Students will always have things to carry back and forth between home and school.   A backpack is a great way to do that, but if they're too heavy, backpacks can lead to back pain.  Carrying a heavy backpack changes children's posture, walking speed, step length and...

Preventing Hand, Wrist, Forearm and Elbow Golf-Related Injuries

Preventing Hand, Wrist, Forearm and Elbow Golf-Related Injuries

The golf swing greatly relies on repetitive and coordinated arm motions to generate club head speed and to square the club head at impact.  Overuse injuries of the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow are common in golfers but can be minimized with education. As discussed...

Can My Address Posture Influence My Backswing?

Can My Address Posture Influence My Backswing?

Have you ever received advice on a topic, pondered the concept briefly and filed it in your memory in the “it is nice to know but I am not going to implement it now” file?  Time ticks away and at a later date some thought or action triggers this advice to be recalled...

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