
Can Going Back to School Cause Back Pain?

Can Going Back to School Cause Back Pain?

Students will always have things to carry back and forth between home and school.   A backpack is a great way to do that, but if they're too heavy, backpacks can lead to back pain.  Carrying a heavy backpack changes children's posture, walking speed, step length and...

Preventing Hand, Wrist, Forearm and Elbow Golf-Related Injuries

Preventing Hand, Wrist, Forearm and Elbow Golf-Related Injuries

The golf swing greatly relies on repetitive and coordinated arm motions to generate club head speed and to square the club head at impact.  Overuse injuries of the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow are common in golfers but can be minimized with education. As discussed...

Can My Address Posture Influence My Backswing?

Can My Address Posture Influence My Backswing?

Have you ever received advice on a topic, pondered the concept briefly and filed it in your memory in the “it is nice to know but I am not going to implement it now” file?  Time ticks away and at a later date some thought or action triggers this advice to be recalled...

Golf:  Keeping Yourself in The Game

Golf: Keeping Yourself in The Game

Golf is a sport requiring the same body movement to be performed repetitively throughout the game and at the practice range.  Only putting gives us a break from the motion pattern. The average golfer’s score is approximately 100 for 18 holes and is most likely...

How is Power Generated in the Golf Swing?

How is Power Generated in the Golf Swing?

Who would have thought the Physics 101 class that you were required to take in school could have helped you generate more distance with your golf game?  The lab section of the course would have been more interesting if it had included a trip to the driving range....

8 Minutes to Improved Golf Performance

8 Minutes to Improved Golf Performance

Last minute obligations at home or work have made you arrive at the golf course later than planned.  You come racing into the golf course parking with barely enough time to change your shoes, grab your golf clubs, check in and head for the first tee.  Your best...

Tips for Tennis and Pickleball Athletes of all Ages

Tips for Tennis and Pickleball Athletes of all Ages

Millions of people enjoy engaging in these sports.  Both offer many health benefits including an aerobic workout that can release endorphins and reduce stress, a shot of sunlight to up the Vitamin D helping our immune and skeletal systems as well as placing us in an...

Your Golf Clubs Are Ready for the Season, Are You?

Your Golf Clubs Are Ready for the Season, Are You?

Your Golf Clubs Are Ready for the Season, Are You?   By Patrick Sheehy, MS, PT   With the warm weather closely approaching Western Pennsylvania, golfers are anxiously cleaning their clubs and shoes in preparation for the first tee.  For many of us, the equipment...

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